Islamofobin kommer numera som ett brev på posten. Eller som det tycks utveckla sig: Posten har blivit islamofobisk och kommer inte. Huru väl faller inte detta inslag in i musikalens värld:
Mister postman look and see
If there’s an offence in your bag for me
I been waiting such a long time
For a round about dog of mine
So many days you passed me by
Fear the tear standing in my eye
You didn’t stop to make me feel better
By leaving me an insult as a letter
Ingen går längre säker emedan alla har blivit islamofobiska:
Islamofobisk av rädsla
Islamofobisk av islamskräck
Islamofobisk genom omåttlig användning av ordet ”islamofobisk”
Skräcken skall nu sprida sig till Uppsala. Finns det en hotbild när de två huvudobjekten i det islamofobiska buskaget visar sig, Ulf Johansson, chefredaktören för Nerikes Allehanda och konstnär Vilks som numera framträder öppet som rondellhund. Och i en stad med en tidning som kan misstänkas som islamofobisk: Uppsala Nya Tidning. I detta organ finner man en artikel där konstnär Vilks islamofobiskt framhåller att han inte ångrar något. UNT har liksom Nerikes Allehanda visat sig kränkande islamofobiska genom att publicera teckningarna och båda redaktionerna har varit föremål för intensiva protestdemonstrationer.
Spänningen inför torsdagens föreställning ökar för varje dag och polisen ser allvarligt på hotbilden. Hur skall t ex Vilks ta sig in i Uppsala utan att bli lagd märke till? Och hur skall han ta sig ut? En kvällsrysare i säkerhetsfrågornas tidevarv.
Som sagt: Konsten skapas av betraktarnas fantasier och handlingar.
You can print the Mohammed drawings as post cards and send the post cards to friends and family to test the Swedish postal service.
Hej, Lars!
Jag har idag tonsatt den fina texten som du lagt upp. Tog mig friheten att helt enkelt döpa låten till ”The islamophobic postman”. Vart laddar jag upp låten så du kan lyssna? (831 kB som MP3). Detta får blifva mitt bidrag till din förestånde musikal. Jag föreställer mig framförandet av en trubadur i stil med den där sketchen med Robert Gustafson från början av 90-talet. Han var utklädd till någon jävla gycklare i tupp-kostym? Kanske någon kan hjälpa trill med namnet på den?
Bästa hälsningar
Yepp, kommer ihåg Robert Gustafsson som tupp. Han är trubadur på Söder, om det kan hjälpa.
Stefan! Tuppen hette Allan i dalen och serien hette Percy tårar. Allan figuren var hämtad ur den tecknade versionen av Robin Hood, så även melodin som han visslade. Mycket roligt plagiat.
Precis. Här är Allan i Dalen i en lätt ekivok sekvens:
Jo, min bäste Fredrikson. Det var precis den scenen med Allan jag tänkte på. Den stilen funkar perfekt till låten och trubaduren som kommer in någonstans under musikalens gång. Frågan är bara vad han ska ha istället för fågel-dräkt? Brevbärarmundering kanske och ett sådant där stort valthorn runt halsen som symboliserar postverket? Det sedan flera år framlidna postverket menar jag då naturligtvis, för det är väl ingen som undgått fenomentet att få avi från posten, gå till en bensinmack för att hämta paketet och väl där får man veta att avin kom dagen innan paketet var framme på bensinstationen. Känns det igen?
Gates of Vienna Monday, November 12, 2007:
”Swedish Post Office Refuses to Handle a Modoggie
by Baron Bodissey
Ted Ekeroth is a party leader of a local branch of Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration political party). He just sent me this translation of an article from today’s edition of Sydsvenskan:
The Post Office refuses to deliver party paper
The Post Office refuses to deliver the Sweden Democrats’ party paper in Svedala [outside Malmö]. The reason is that Lars Vilks rondellhund is pictured in the papers. The Post Office fears that the mailmen could be threatened.
“Pathetic,” says Tom Thörnqvist, the Sweden Democrats’ chairman in the municipality.
4,200 units of the paper SD-Kuriren should be delivered in Svedala as one step in a election campaign. SD in Svedala is first in line and more SD-departments are to follow.
Tom Thörnquist contacted the customer service of the Post Office and was informed that one example of the paper had to be sent to the main office so that the content could be approved.
Today, Monday, he was informed that the Post Office is afraid that employees could be threatened or assaulted because a drawing of the rondellhund by Lars Vilks is printed on page 5.
“The Post Office is bowing down to Muslim extremists when they are too afraid to hand out a paper that is approved in Sweden. The next step is for us to deliver it ourselves,” he says.
– – – – – – – – –
As a rule, the Post Office will always hand out political material when there is no racial incitement or other law-breaking content. The Justice Chancellor Göran Lambertz has said that Vilks drawing is not even a borderline case of hets mot folkgrupp [incitement to racial hatred].
But the Post Office has nonetheless made the judgment that it could be a security risk to deliver the paper.
“We are careful with our employees’ safety. This drawing has triggered reactions that have led to death threats,” says the press spokesperson for the Post Office, Per Ljungberg.
He also says that the decision should not be interpreted as a ban of materials from the Sweden Democrats in the future. But this number of SD-Kuriren with the Vilks drawing will not be delivered as unaddressed direct commercial.
For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.”
Idag har man med sofistisk skicklighet lyckas byta ut begreppet Islamkritik emot islamofobi.
Til Per Ola Axelsson:
Jyllands-Posten og alle andre blev overrasket over de voldsomme reaktioner på tegningerne fra tusinder af menige muslimer i hele den store muslimske verden.
Man havde åbenbart ikke fulgt med i de intense diskussioner om diskriminering og racistisk forfølgelse af muslimer som hævn for terrorangreb af islamisk oprindelse, også kaldet islamofobi, der var foregået siden 11.9.2001.
Selve ordet, islamofobi, dukkede op i slutningen af 1980’erne, men er ikke videre udbredt før 11.9.2001. Så går det til gengæld hurtigt. I 2004 har ordet fået status på linie med ord som antisemitisme, xenofobi, racisme og intolerance.
Den 7. december samme år blev der i FN-regi afholdt et seminar med titlen ”Confronting islamophobia”. I den anledning havde Kofi Annan udnævnt en ”Speciel Rapporter om aktuelle former for racisme, racediskrimination, xenofobi og tilhørende intolerance”, nemlig Doudou Diène.
Han afleverede sin rapport om islamofobi februar 2004. De voldelige tilfælde i rapporten drejer sig om spytteri i USA og et overfald i Belgien. Til de verbale, som fylder mest i rapporten, henregner han diskussioner om islam. Den franske journalist, Claude Imbert, er således islamofob, når han mener, at koranen placerer religion over videnskab, undertrykker kvinder og ikke drager nogen grænse mellem det offentlige og det private.
I sin åbningstale til selve seminaret beskriver Kofi Annan islamofobi på samme måde. Ifølge ham føler muslimerne sig uretfærdigt behandlet, og det er islamofobisk at hævde, ”at islam er uforeneligt med demokrati eller uigenkaldeligt fjendtlig over for fornyelser og kvinders rettigheder”.
Islamofobi går altså på MENINGER om religionen islam og ikke på angreb på mennesker. FN-rapportøren, Doudou Diene, siger dette helt klart: ”Blandt vor tids politiske sygdomme er islamofobi enestående. Det er ikke kun muslimer, der angribes, men religionen selv, islam, dens hellige bog, koranen, og dens profet, Muhammed, som ikke har sin lige i verden idag”, hvilket vel kun kan opfattes som misbrug af og skade på FN.
En af deltagerne i seminaret, Abul Magd, professor i international ret ved universitetet i Cairo mener, at ordet ”tolerance” røber en nedsættende holdning til islam. ”Når vi taler om tolerance, taler vi om noget meget minimalt, meget negativt og meget passivt. Hvad vi sigter mod, er noget mere positivt end blot tolerance. Normalt tolererer du ikke noget, man beundrer eller kan lide, men du tolererer noget, du er tvunget til at leve med, selv om du ikke kan lide det.”
De tre nævnte personer, der alle er muslimer, er altså enige om, at det væsentligste kendetegn på islamofobi er RELIGIONSKRITIK og manglende islambeundring, men dermed kan islamofobi så heller ikke sidestilles med racisme, xenofobi og tilhørende intolerance.
Kristendommen har som bekendt gennem de sidste 300 år været udsat for særdeles grove angreb, uden at disse angreb er blevet kategoriseret som racisme. Det er blevet kristendommen forbudt at blande sig i politik (sekularisering). Socialisterne har kaldt al religion for ”opium for folket” og påvist kristendommens undertrykkende funktion. Kvindebevægelsen har kaldt kristendommen kvindeundertrykkende. Freudianere har kaldt kristendommens seksualmoral for sygelig. Og Jesus er endog fremstillet pornografisk (og som pædofil).
Der er sikkert kristne, der har fået deres religiøse følelser krænket, men en sådan krænkelse kan ikke bruges som argument mod religionskritikken. Kritikerne har jo også deres følelser og føler dem krænket af kristendommen. Af samme grund kan tegningerne ikke kritiseres, fordi de skulle kænke religiøse følelser. Ifølge menneskerettighederne er religioner ikke overordnet andre livsfilosofier.
Den egentlige årsag til de voldsomme reaktioner må altså søges andre steder end i islamofobien og krænkede religiøse følelser. Ziad Abu-Amr, der er professor i politisk videnskab ved Birzeit Universitetet, Ramallah, Palæstina, giver denne forklaring på den muslimske overfølsomhed for religionskritik: ”Sekulære arabere, som er i opposition til fundamentalisme, vil forsvare islam, når fundamentalister bliver kritiseret eller angrebet af ikke-arabere. Denne tilbagevenden til islam kan opfattes som en søgen efter identitet over for, hvad, der opfattes som fremmede overgreb eller herredømme”.
Angreb på ens religion bliver dermed opfattet som et fysisk angreb på ens egen person, hvad der udløser modangreb og aggressivitet.
Men der skal endnu en forklaring til, ellers er det uforståeligt, hvorfor kritik opfattes som tab af herredømme. Intet ændres, blot fordi ens religion bliver kritiseret.
Der er kun én forklaring mulig: Fordi man mener, at man selv burde have herredømmet, altså en form for herrefolksmentalitet. Når man føler sig hævet over alle andre og kræver, at de skal beundre ens ideologi, tåler man ikke nogen form for kritik fra dem. Denne holdning ses tydeligt af de tidligere citater af Doudou Diene, Abul Magd og Kofi Annan.
Og faktisk er der dækning for en sådan muslimsk herrefolksmentalitet i både koranen og traditionen. Ifølge koranen [9:29] skal muslimer bekæmpe dem, der ikke tror på Allah (jihad), dog ikke jøder og kristne. Disse lever under beskyttelse, kaldet dhimma, beskyttet mod muslimernes egen jihad, men vel at bemærke kun hvis ”de betaler skat som en anerkendelse af muslimernes overlegenhed og af, at de befinder sig i en tilstand af underlegenhed”.
På basis af dette koransted udarbejdede muslimske jurister allerede kort efter Muhammeds død dhimmaen som et APARTHEIDSYSTEM, der regulerede forholdet mellem muslimerne og de underlegne kristne og jøder. Kristne og jøder måtte ikke vidne mod muslimer i retssager, de måtte ikke bygge deres kirker og synagoger højere end moskeerne (derfor provokerede World Trade Center også de islamiske fundamentalister), i visse tilfælde skulle kristne og jøder bære specielt tøj, på gaderne måtte de ikke rage over muslimerne, ved erstatning for sår kunne de kun få halvdelen af, hvad en fri muslim fik. Jøderne i muslimske lande, for eksempel i Nordafrika, har i 1000 år levet under dhimmaens apartheid, før de blev frie i deres egen stat. Deraf den jødiske negative holdning til de muslimske naboer. Tilsvarende kan muslimernes ønske om at udslette Israel blandt andet forklares ved, at muslimer følte sig krænkede af, at et folk (jøderne), der er dem underlegne, havde taget deres land.
De voldsomme reaktioner på tegningerne kan derfor kun forstås som et udslag af FRUSTRERET OVERLEGENHEDSFØLELSE. Muslimerne er endnu en gang blevet krænket i deres selvværd og deres identitet. Man kunne endog få den mistanke, at reaktionerne blev ekstra voldsomme, fordi det var et lille land (Danmark), der vovede at gøre oprør. Muslimernes grundliggende frustrationen skyldes, at de ikke kan leve op til egne idealer om at være de bedste, selv om de føler sig fortjent til det, fordi de mere end andre underkaster sig religionen. Vesten – de tidligere underlegne kristne – har overgået dem kulturelt og teknologisk.
Mange aktuelle forhold omkring islam finder deres forklaring ud fra denne frustrerede islamiske herrefolksmentalitet, for eksempel de absurde og formålsløse terrorangreb på vesterlændinge – både turister og i deres egne lande. Muslimernes jihad mod USSR i Afghanistan var en succes (1989), og da det var i Afghanistan, den islamiske fundamentalisme blev født som protest mod kommunistiske afghaneres forsøg på modernisering af landet, var det en sejr for fundamentalismen. Logisk set måtte USA som den tilbageværende mægtigste nation være det næste mål, og det blev USA 11. september 2001.
Muslimernes krænkede herrefolksmentalitet er ikke kun deres eget problem, men hele verdens. Opgaven er pædagogisk: Lære muslimerne, at de ikke fortsat kan bygge deres identitet på fortidens storhed, på religiøs troskab og på trusler mod andre, og at de skal se bort fra utidssvarende steder i deres hellige skrifter og tradition, især de steder, hvor der opfordres til DOMINANS OG DRAB. De kristne har på samme måde måttet sluge mange kameler. For muslimer bliver dette vanskeligt, fordi muslimer netop er socialiseret med troen på, at Muhammed og Allah er de største, og at de selv derfor også er det.
Religionsfrihet betyder frihet FRÅN (inte TILL) religion!
Den siste bolsjeviken
Larish Ohlywood
Finns det överhuvudtaget några muSSlimer i Svedala?
Los Angeles Times September 18, 2007 Tuesday:
”World in Brief / SWEDEN;
Cartoon draws death threat
From Times Wire Reports
A Swedish cartoonist who depicted the prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog said police have taken him to a secret location and told him he cannot return home because of a death threat from militants in Iraq.”
Los Angeles Times September 18, 2007 Tuesday:
”World in Brief / SWEDEN;
Cartoon draws death threat
From Times Wire Reports
A Swedish cartoonist who depicted the prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog said police have taken him to a secret location and told him he cannot return home because of a death threat from militants in Iraq.
Transcripts of Islamic websites reported that $100,000 had been offered for Lars Vilks’ death.”
Mississippi Press September 18, 2007 Tuesday:
U.N. nuclear chief speaks out against striking Iran
VIENNA, Austria – The chief U.N. nuclear inspector urged Iran’s harshest critics Monday to learn from the Iraq invasion and refrain from ”hype” about a possible military attack, saying force was an option of last resort.
Mohamed ElBaradei also called on nations critical of his last-ditch effort to entice Iran into revealing past nuclear activities that could be linked to a weapons program to wait until the end of the year – when the deadline for Iran to provide answers runs out.
”By November or December we will be able to know if Iran is acting in good faith or not,” he said, suggesting that was the time to think of tougher diplomacy if needed – but not military action.
ElBaradei, speaking outside a 144-nation meeting of his International Atomic Energy Agency, invoked the example of Iraq in urging an end to the threats of force against Iran – most recently over the weekend by France.
”I would not talk about any use of force,” said ElBaradei, noting that only the Security Council can authorize such action. ”There are rules on how to use force, and I would hope that everybody would have gotten the lesson after the Iraq situation, where 700,000 innocent civilians have lost their lives on the suspicion that a country has nuclear weapons.”
Cartoonist who depicted prophet in hiding
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – A Swedish cartoonist who depicted Islam’s Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog said Monday that police have taken him to a secret location and told him he cannot return home following a death threat from al-Qaida in Iraq.
Lars Vilks, who was whisked away by police when he returned to Sweden from Germany on Sunday, said police have described the threats against him as ”very serious.”
”Police guard was nonexistent before this. It’s 100 percent now,” he said in a telephone interview. ”I can’t live in my home, I’ve only been allowed to pick up some things.”
The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, offered $100,000 over the weekend for Vilks’ murder. He said the bounty would be upped to $150,000 if Vilks was ”slaughtered like a lamb” and offered $50,000 for the killing of the editor of a local newspaper that reprinted the cartoon on Aug. 19.”
September 18, 2007 Tuesday Tyne-Tees Edition:
POLICE should not be allowed to keep DNA from innocent people, experts said yesterday. Ministers must drop plans to take samples from people who have committed less serious offences, such as speeding and littering, said the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Chairman Prof Sir Bob Hepple QC, said: ”We would like to see the police put more resources into the collection of DNA from crime scenes.” Less than 20 per cent are forensically examined, said the council. And it said a national database of everyone’s DNA would be ”hugely expensive and would have only a small impact on public safety”.
DEFENCE secretary Des Browne has apologised for snubbing Battle of Britain celebrations by veterans and military chiefs last weekend. The MoD said: ”A Minister should have attended.”
pounds 50,000 TO KILL A CARTOONIST
SWEDISH cartoonist Lars Vilks has gone into hiding after Iraq’s al-Qaeda leader offered pounds 50,000 to anyone who kills him. Vilks drew the Prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog.”
The Myrtle Beach Sun-News (South Carolina) September 18, 2007 Tuesday:
”Tuesday Globe
Contractor jailed for hiding cash from Iraq
Philadelphia | An American contractor who buried secret payments from Iraqi subcontractors in a Baghdad yard was sentenced Monday to five months in prison for trying to smuggle $50,000 into the U.S.
Robert Grove, 63, a retired Army colonel from Clifton Heights, hid stacks of $100 bills on his body and in his luggage, and lied to officials as he arrived at Philadelphia International Airport in March, prosecutors said.
Education building to take Johnson’s name
Washington | Lyndon Baines Johnson, whose only Washington memorial has been a hard-to-find grove on an island in the Potomac River, finally has a monument suitable to his larger-than-life legacy – the Department of Education building.
The former Federal Building 6 was renamed Monday in honor of the Texas Democrat and 36th president.
Mars stands by cocoa butter standard
Chicago | Mars Inc. said Monday it will continue to use 100 percent cocoa butter in its U.S. chocolate products, bucking an industry campaign to allow vegetable oils instead.
The announcement comes amid a push by a dozen food industry groups to change long-established federal standards to allow for replacing cocoa butter with another vegetable fat, up to a level of 5 percent. The groups say the change, which would save money for manufacturers, would allow more flexibility and innovation.
Undersea lab study of coral changes viewable
Key Largo | Marine scientists began a nine-day mission in the world’s only permanent working undersea laboratory Monday to study changes along a coral reef off the Florida Keys, with plans to broadcast their dives and research activities over the Internet. Interested viewers can follow the divers at
Nine-term congressman won’t seek seat
Minnetonka | Republican Rep. Jim Ramstad announced Monday that he will not seek a 10th term, saying he is ”burned out” after splitting his time between home and Washington for nearly two decades.
”Now it’s my time to do something else,” said Ramstad, whose district includes the western suburbs of Minneapolis.
Sitting Bull mementoes return to relatives
Washington | Mementoes of Sioux Indian Chief Sitting Bull are being returned to his descendants, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History said Monday.
The return of the lock of hair and leggings belonging to Sitting Bull was requested by Ernie LaPointe, great-grandson of the Hunkpapa Lakota chief who became famous for defeating Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn.
State senator sues God to make point
Lincoln | State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha sued the Almighty in Douglas County District Court last week.
Chambers, who skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians, said he filed the lawsuit against God to show that anybody can file a lawsuit against anybody.
Chambers says God has caused ”fearsome floods … horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes.”
He’s seeking a permanent injunction against God.
Group of women lobbies for right to drive
Jiddah | For the first time ever, a group of women in the only country that bans female drivers have formed a committee to lobby for the right to get behind the wheel, and they plan to petition King Abdullah in the next few days for the privilege.
Conservatives, who believe women should be shielded from male strangers, say women drivers will be free to leave home alone and go where they please. They also will unduly expose their eyes while driving and interact with males.
Army panel advises letting women do all jobs
Jerusalem | An Israeli army committee is recommending all combat jobs be opened to women, security officials said Monday – a change, that if adopted, would dramatically remake the front-line infantry, tank and special forces units that are the military’s last male bastions.
Muhammad cartoonist hidden after threats
Stockholm | A Swedish cartoonist who depicted Islam’s Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog said Monday that police have taken him to a secret location and told him he cannot return home following a death threat from al-Qaida in Iraq. Lars Vilks said police have described the threats against him as ”very serious.””
Sydney MX (Australia) September 18, 2007 Tuesday:
POLICE in Kenya say one of their officers has been beheaded by members of the illegal Mungiki sect.
The decapitated body was discovered by residents in the town of Gatundu, about 40km northeast of Nairobi.
The sect described by the authorities as a criminal gang has been blamed for a series of gruesome killings.
MORE than a million people across a swathe of 17 African countries are suffering the effects of severe floods.
Latest reports say 250 people have died and hundreds of thousands of homes have been washed away on some of the continent’s most fertile land.
The UN now fears the floods could lead to major outbreaks of water-borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery.
THE Swedish cartoonist at the centre of a row over drawings of the prophet Mohammed says police have taken him to a secret location for his own safety.
Lars Vilks said he was only able to pick up a few things when he returned from Germany at the weekend before police escorted him from his home.
Al-Qaida has offered $120,000 to anyone who kills Vilks. Muslims regard visual representation of the prophet as blasphemous.
A SCOTTISH student was found guilty today of possessing terrorism-related materials including bomb-making instructions, despite arguing he was only conducting research.
Mohammed Atif Siddique, 21, described by the prosecution as a ”wannabe suicide bomber”, was found guilty in London of possessing and distributing terrorist material via websites. He will be sentenced next month.”
Townsville Bulletin (Australia) September 18, 2007 Tuesday:
”Around the world
VATICAN CITY: Doctors assisting Pope John Paul II in his final days never suspended medical treatment and the pontiff did not ask them to do so, his personal physician said.
Pro-euthanasia activists in Italy have said the pope refused medical treatment such as artificial respiration and feeding because he wanted to be allowed to die.
The Catholic church forbids euthanasia, which has been at the centre of a heated debate in Italy in recent months.
STOCKHOLM: Sweden’s prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt appealed for calm following an al-Qaida death warrant on two journalists for a cartoon portraying the prophet Mohammed as a dog and threats to attack top Swedish firms.
Cartoonist Lars Vilks said al-Qaida extremists in Iraq had offered up to $US150,000 ($A180,000) to anyone who slit his throat and also to kill journalist Ulf Johansson for publishing the caricature.
Mr Reinfeldt sought to defuse tensions after talks with local Islamic leaders.
SMELL is in the nose of the beholder as much as beauty is in the eye, a study released yesterday says, showing for the first time that variations in a single gene can determine whether a scent is perceived as fair or foul.
It has long been known that smell and taste, which are essentially the same thing, are highly subjective. The fragrance that one person finds sublime could make someone else queasy, and one man’s wine of the gods can be another man’s plonk. A third person might not smell anything at all.The US study was published online in the British journal Nature,.
LONDON: A hedgehog has been named Lucky after surviving a spin in a washing machine. The female ’hoglet’, about eight weeks old, was washed and tumbled at a house in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, after wandering in through the back door and making herself comfortable in a pile of clothes.
The householder discovered her after doing the washing and took her to a local wildlife hospital.
Hospital manager Penny Cooper said: ”The animal has been eating ravenously and is remarkably clean.”
MANILA: A new species of flying fox, or fruit bat, has been discovered in a protected wildlife area on Mindoro Island.
The orange-coloured bat with a distinctive white-striped face was discovered by accident when it was caught in a net set by researchers.
Details of the finding were published in the Journal of Mammalogy.
The discovery brings the number of bat species in the Philippines to 74, with 26 unique to the nation, the Philippine Star said.
WELLINGTON: Air New Zealand is delving into the gay and lesbian market with a special themed flight for travellers to the Sydney Mardi Gras next year.
The ’Pink Flight’ from San Francisco on February 26 will feature drag queens, pink cocktails, gay-friendly movies and contests.
Crew members will also perform a cabaret during the $NZ1,423 ($A1211) round trip.
LONDON: Paddington Bear, a children’s favourite for generations, is to make his first appearance on the big screen, Warner Bros, says.
The film, which will combine live action and computer-generated imagery, is to be produced by David Heyman, who has been involved in all five of the Harry Potter films, the company said.
”Paddington Bear is a universally loved character and I have wanted to bring him to the screen for some years,” he said. ”Michael Bond’s Paddington books have such wit, wonder and charm.”
MINNEAPOLIS: Ever since the arrest of a US senator in a Minneapolis airport men’s toilet in relation to a lewd behaviour investigation, visitors to the city have been asking about a new tourist attraction.
A common request is, ”Excuse me, can you please tell me where the Larry Craig bathroom is?” says Karen Evans, who works at the information counter at Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport.
”It’s become a tourist attraction,” Ms Evans said. ”People are taking pictures.” Since news broke August 27 of the arrest of Idaho Senator Craig in an airport restroom, the airport has been fielding requests for directions to the men’s room in question.”
Posten hänvisar till rädsla för att postmännen skall råka ut för repressalier när de delar ut post som kanske vissa inte gillar. Svensk direktreklam har också inhiberat ”vissa utskick”.
Men hörni: om Posten dikterar villkoren för vilken post vi ska tillåtas ta emot – är inte det fascism?
Kommer föredraget att tillföra något till ens personliga referenssfär?
Blir det allsång?
Ska man beväpna sig med annat än tålamod?
Uppsala för mig är Gudibrallan på 70-talet förutom ”Hej Gud står du där med brallorna nere” även sjungande visan om Jungfrun:
Visan om jungfrun Gudibrallan
Tag plats här, medborgare, ett festligt dukat bord
Em D Em
då köttet det är bomder och soppan det är blod
Em D H7
och talet hålls av någon med politiska slagord
Em D Em
Och jungfrun gick på gatan för hon ville ha en kuk
Em D Em
Och aladåben ligger där och dallrar lite lätt
den innehåller DDT sen får vi efterrätt
den blandas lätt med skiten från vår vatten toalett
och jungfrun hitta någon som gav henne en kuk.
Köttgrytyan e en människa som sprängdes av en bomb
garnerad med en liten pitt som tillhörde James Bond
en kasteread man är ingen man
för han har inget stånd
och jungfrun gick på gatan för hon ville ha en färg-TEVE.
Vår pyttipanna mixad är av allehanda skit
som gjordes av ett företag med tanke på profit
och köttet det är underbart, fullproppat med nitrit
och jungfrun hitta någon som gav henne en färg-TEVE.
Skicka en rad till så får du ett smakprov på musiken, också.
Någon frågade: vilken var den politiska konsten.
Skickar detta som svar på denna fråga.
Rädslan breder ut sig i ”världens bästa Ankdamm” Dumheten har fått ett nytt ansikte
det ”Kungliga Svenska Postverket”. Hela väst världen skrattar åt oss,
Posten vågar inte dela ut post som eventuellt kan upplevas stötande för vissa.
Då är det väl säkrast att Posten helt avstår från att dela ut brev.
Upp till DEMONSTRATION. Lars, låt oss alla kopiera dina rondellhundar till vykort
som vi kan sända till vänner och (o)bekanta. Vore Kul att se vad gör Posten då ?
Om det kommer några hundra kort med Profeten som Rondell hund.
Vägrar dom då att dela ut dessa, så kan dom lägga ner hela verksamheten ?
Det kommer ALLTID att finnas bilder som är stötande, kränkande för vissa.
Skall vi däför tvingas kuvertera all post ?
Eller kanske ännu bättre, vi skickar vita, bildlösa kort med texten Profeten Muhammed
som rondellhund. Vad gör Posten då ?
Mycket bra ide! Svedala lär ju inte ha alltför många elskåp så det får bli vykort (med hemmagjorda frimärken såklart)